9 October 2011

Paul Biya, the Killer of Innocent Cameroonians

3 October 
Tila Bokado

Voice Of Cameroon is calling on the United Nations, the United States government, human rights organizations and media groups around the world to advise Paul Biya who have continuously torture and savagely murdered innocent Cameroonians , to watch his evil ways because we are ready to take down his armed chickens. We understand that they're some members of the Cameroon armed chickens who are dedicated to brutalize and murder innocent Cameroonians in order to please Paul Biya the tyrannic dictator. That will be the greatest mistake if that happen because our Freedom Troopers will use every means necessary to equalize any bloody killings in the South Cameroon camp by the evil regime. The Cameroon People's Liberation Troopers want the following issues to be resolved immediately between paul biya and Southern Cameroonians.

1.  Paul Biya must immediately release every Southern Cameroonian and political prisoners who are in prison or house of arrest. Our people have every rights to walk freely and enjoy their natural fatherland without fear of anyone.

2.     WE need the names of every Southern Cameroonian and political activists who are held captive by the illegal regime of Dictator paul biya. We have seen recent videos of filthy, crowded house of arrest and detention camps where our citizens are held captive by Paul Biya.

3.    If any Southern Cameroonian or citizen of Cameroon who have been arrested lost their life in the hands of paul biya and his armed chickens, that will be the beginning of a bloody war. The Cameroon People's Liberation Troopers will not sit and watch paul biya murder our citizens anymore. Those Cameroonians who are supporting Paul Biya will automatically be classified as enemies of the State because they are knowingly promoting violence by supporting a brutal dictator.

4.   We are giving paul biya less than 24 hours to meet our demands and if Paul Biya decided not to let them go, The People's Liberation Troopers will forcefully release every Southern Cameroonian and political prisoner in Cameroon.

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